THE GREAT COMMANDMENT / Camouflage Full Cover by Piano & Whisky

昭和の洋楽カバー続けてって!ドイツのバンドCAMOUFLAGE (カモフラージュ)1987年の名曲「THE GREAT COMMANDMENT」ひとりで弾いてみた!歌っていた!♬

Another cover for Camouflage. The German band were big fans of Depeche Mode as much as I was, and I became an instant fan of their music in the 1980's. I participated in a singing contest in 1990 and performed this song. A backing track was going to be made on a synthesizer and Texture (one of the first computer-based midi sequencers ever made) but it never got finished, so I sang to a minus-one tape and got 2nd place.

I've actually completed a full backing track for 「LOVE IS A SHIELD」 in the following years, and wanted to perform it for another contest but alas, it never happened. Now you can listen to the finished recording I made this year using the backing track from 1992.

Coming back to 「THE GREAT COMMANDMENT」 - 30 years on, I retrieved the old backing track from an old backup tape which only had like 12-bars completed for the opening riff. I arranged the rest of the song, recorded the tracks and vocals and did the final mix down on Cubase Elements on my laptop.

Much with many songs between the mid to late 80's toward the fall of the iron curtain, this song had a cold war theme and I made a video with historical footage from the old revolution and U.S.S.R. using public domain videos.

Which other 80's new wave bands do you like ?
